This little one-man operation usually gets about a thousand hits a day. I can't tell you how pleased that makes me, especially considering that we're not associated with any cool, popular or powerful organization at all. Hell, I don't even have ads here!
This is exclusively a product of love. Think of it as my little contribution to the world, trying to enrich those curious enough to want to explore new ideas.
About a year ago, the readership was around 200 folks a day, and somehow that grew five-fold over the past twelve months. I don't know how these things work; I'm just glad that the ideas explored here are reaching people interested in cool ideas, philosophy, science, history, mathematics, and learning in general. Who said you can't be an autodidact? :)
So if two hundred people got me all smiley a year ago, imagine my surprise when over the past few days, our hits went from the regular one grand or so to almost 6,000 hits yesterday!
Of course, this may all be some unintended glitch, but either way, it feels nice that lots of people, most of whom I'll probably never meet, may be getting something out of stumbling by here. So, if you have friends of family that may benefit from browsing around here, do invite them. Hopefully we have a little something for everyone (except stupid people) :)
As I've been trying to make sense of certain aspect of my life recently, I've been surprised -and horrified- to notice my feelings swinging like a pendulum, going from one extreme to another, taking me along for a ride I could only experience as an unwilling spectator. While I normally don't actually attempt to be in control, I normally feel in control, so this sudden turn of events, needless to say, has been less than welcome. I'm used to feeling confident and independent, like an overflowing cup that's impervious to insult or injury because it just continues to overflow with abundance and awesomeness (yes, I'm used to loving myself).
Recent developments, however, have wounded that perception, and I've noticed revealing in me an instinct of self-preservation and self-defense that, while biologically understandable and possibly necessary, goes against my conception of the kind of person I'd like to be. I've been watching myself, against my own better judgment and against my own will, succumb to the weight of suffering and injustice and slowly become someone else...
I'm not sure how to escape this downward spiral, but I'm considering a few strategies: reflect on the ideals I'd like to embody, engage in physical activity, remind myself of that possibility in the writings of Nietzsche and Kierkegaard, and -the most frightening- take that leap into the abyss in virtue of the absurd, against all rationality and probability and safety...
Dear readers: While taking a break from this blog, and as I've been trying to figure out how to deal with some recent personal problems, I've received many words of support and encouragement from good friends, former students and regular readers of this blog, including many I've never met.
So, I wanted to say thanks to all of you for your support. It really means a lot to me that there are people out there who care. Who needs invisible gods when there is real flesh and blood to create communities of warm support? :)
As I continue to struggle through these difficult times, I will start to blog again, but I do expect my entries to be sporadic, intermittent and random for a while. And in all likelihood, I imagine that I may also use some of them to vent some anger and frustration, so please bear with me.
As you probably surmise, dear readers, this blog is a product of love. I firmly believe that exposing others to interesting, challenging and diverse ideas might just be the spark that can inspire someone to pursue any of these questions in more depth. And my sincere hope is that the Philosophy Monkey blog may create even the smallest difference for a better and more educated world.
And while I love blogging and sharing with all of you, I've recently been dealt a heavy personal blow whose impact is simply making it impossible for me to sleep or concentrate on anything else. I am announcing, therefore, that I will be taking a break from this blog until I can get my life back in order.
I don't know when I'll be back, but if you subscribe to this blog through email, facebook or an rss feed, you'll be notified the next time there is a new entry.
In the meantime, I would like to thank to all the people who visit regularly. Seeing the number of hits this page receives daily, even though it's a one-man operation from a nobody in a dark corner of the world, is always an inspiration to continue sharing good stuff. .