This lack of violence is probably not all that surprising once we consider that bonobo societies are matriarchal -feminists are probably wetting themselves as we speak :) -and that social bonding and even conflict resolution are achieved through daily orgiastic feasts. When was the last time you heard of someone wanting to get into a fight after getting laid? Exactly...
In the following TEDTalk presentation, cutie primatologist Isabel Behncke argues (and has the footage to prove) that much of what underlies all of bonobo's friendliness has to do with the fact that they have a life-long commitment to play. And if play is the basis for social bonding and conflict resolution, and it's working out well for bonobos, why not for us too?
I wouldn't mind playing with her :)
And if you want to learn more about bonobo awesomeness, check them out here and here, or just type 'bonobo' in the search bar above.
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